Eye Opening Honesty


For my new visitors who want to read from the beginning, hit the Home button above and scroll to the posts at the bottom until you reach my very first post “The Therapist is In” You may have to click “older posts” to get there.

It will help get you caught up on the entire story and I would highly recommend it.

At the urging from a Lashtastic friend in Texas, I have decided to chronicle my crazy life experiences in the hope that maybe there will be someone out there who reads my words, reads my stories will know that they are not alone. That people can overcome even the hardest of challenges. And most important of all. That there is always HOPE in this crazy, messy, chaotic world that we are all just trying to survive. To live to fight another day.

I will be incredibly honest and transparent in every word I write. It helps me gain perspective. I grow more peaceful with every post that I publish. And I am just so grateful for YOU. My readers have been so incredible supportive and loving. You give me the courage to keep telling my story. Thank you.

BLOG beautiful chaos

Welcome to my Eye Opening Honesty